IMG_9911Today’s post is all about him, to one awesome guy.

My Dear Husband,

Today is your birthday! Do you feel old yet? No? Well that’s good because you are not allowed to get old yet. We haven’t had our 10 kids, so you have to stay young and active and funny until you’re at least 100no, 120.

On a serious note…

Meeting you was a blessing and being married to you is the best thing in my life. You love me just the way God created me – – with every scar and imperfection. You make me want to be a better person, and you try your absolute hardest to make me happy, even when I’m being stubborn and pouty and difficult… which is often. Ha!

I love every day I get to spend with you. We make a great team.

I love our adventures. I always think about all the great places we have been together. But more than that, I appreciate the little things like going jogging together.   It is being with you that fills me with so much joy.

I love discovering your skills. You never fail to surprise me with your handiness. I enjoy doing projects with you. You are always patient with me and always willing to undertake my crazy projects or advising my adventurous entrepreneurial startups.

You are one amazing man and I am one lucky lady to get to spend the rest of my days with you! I am forever thankful to God and honored to be your wife. I feel like my life just started and I can’t wait for all the years we have ahead of us.

Happy Happy Birthday, babe! Thanks for making me the happiest girl in the world. I love you to the moon and back!